Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Chapter 14- The end of my days

Today is wednesday. HAEIHIHAIhf, so i screwed up my pure geography test, i mixed up ten marks worth of questions... so much for a good impression for mrs chow... I'm dead man, now she'll think i'm a lazy pig. asfhiaidsg... Then during chinese lesson, mr lim was telling us his wake up sad speech about our chinese test results, and i began to fear that this might be my unlucky test, i've never failed chinese but everytime we take a test, it's the bad test results speech which worries me. So i was one of the last names called, when i took my paper, i couldn't help but scream because i expected the worst, but i got 40/ i really have to work on my chinese compo, last year paper 2 i had 64/70 but i did really really badly for compo then i b4 instead. So after that was the highly feared chemistry tesst and it was surprisingly easy, although i think i'll just get 22 or 24/30. After everything, since i everyone was carefree and released from the burden of tests, we went to safra to pool.

Today's wasn't satisfactory pooling for me, i haven't been performing up to my standards, emotions are affecting my game, kenneth is affecting my game, teck siang is affecting my game. EMOTIONS... too much of it, too competitive, to much hatred, too much jealousy, too much anger.. But at least wei zhou told me something that i wouldn't say here... and i think, its time for the return of my pool table to my hall again, its time to practise..


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