This year'll be over in a few hours. It's been a really quick year, a year with lots of changes, adaptation to long pants, new subject combinations, and lots more. School's one thing, lots of other stuff, new temptations, new feelings, emotional problems, but finally, peace at heart, and lots of warmth, one i've been awaiting for quite a while since the year started. My change to the ss ministry.. i didn't favour in the begginning, and i see where my mistakes lie and now i thank God for putting me here, for there're some underlying bad points in Peace. Perhaps i'm changed, and i enjoy it. And i'm looking forward to the new year. I really can't wait for the o levels to end, i'm dying to leave secondary school. The schedule, if i have any, will be very very packed and busy for me and i hope next year will go by just as fast as this year went by, or maybe, much faster. And i want to see myself, if i can still manage to hold my faith in place, though i'm emotional, i hope the changes i've requested pf to make will really assist me.In church today, my last day of being in ye's disciple group, sharing time, lots of thinkings and recollections of this past good year. And, haha, wei zhou called me twice, once telling me how he was freaked out at some Charismatic church.. Though, no matter how big the size, how many people go to it, how good are their sermons, how ''hot'' their stuff are, to me, they'll remain as part of the unorthodox churches. Well maybe i'm wrong, but that's what i think anyway. Besides, most of them have the wrong aim, mostly, their aim being to increase the membership and attendance, which really isn't what they should be looking for. And lots of lessons to learn of course, on vivian, how she learnt to put her focus at the right place, and not put her aims wrongly due to stress and exams. Cheng huan, to just really accept what His plans holds for us in the future. Back at home, reading the Screwtape Letters i told pf to buy from me at expo, another brilliant book by a genius. Because cs Lewis assumes the role of a senior devil, writing tips through letters to his nephew, we can see an entire different view. Though he, not being a devil himself cannot show truly what's happening, but he gives many valuable lessons that we cannot see directly from a human's point of view. Its funny how he says there's a devil in charge of every person, and they call us ''patients''. Some things to learn and to remind us.. Like even simple things like not handing all over to Him, even in trivial matters, we have to look to Him. The Devil does easy of keeping things out of our minds, instead of us accusing Him of putting things into our minds. This i find true, we tend to forget and lose focus, forget our direction. The devil teaches us to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling. For example, we ourselves, making us feel forgiven when asking for forgiveness.Another point, all the pleasures and desires of the flesh are, made and given by God. The devil cannot create new ones, however, he can encourage us to take the pleasure at times, or in ways, or in degrees, which God has forbidden. Hence, the devil tries to work away from the natural condition of any pleasure. This applies a lot especially in terms of human sexuality. Keeping in mind, Christians that no matter how politically correct something seems to be, we shouldn't do it as long as it doensn't please Him. Yes finally, its really coming, the new year, and i really really really really really want it to end quickly. If i had a time machine, i'd go ahead of time. Spare me all the nonsense of school, just get me over the year! I shall end here and Happy New Year to everyone, hoping you all are looking forward to the reopening of school as much as i am! =)
The return you all have been fearing of
Alright, i shall resume my blogging habit, i haven't been doing so because of many reasons. Well business is one thing, but i haven't been online frequently, thanks to Jia Yan for her reminder.. haha, its been at least 1 week. Alright i have been satisfied this holidays, honestly, for the first time i have been satisfied, i've had all the fun i couldn't possibly have had. Well i'll start from the last week. For the first time ever, i fell sick early in the week, and i didn't dare to tell anyone at all, because i didn't want pei fen to worry about me. There's a huge reason behind it. I fell sick finally, because it had been raining for many days, and it was just really cold, and my homewear is just a thin undersized shirt and really short shorts. I was colded i guess. I started with sore throat and a little fever. But the next day i really rushed through my healing process, early in the morning i told my maid to buy some luo han guo to treat my sore throat, and i drank galleons and galleons of water. My fever was gone within half of the day, and my sore throat still bothered me. I wish i had my sore throat healed.Alright, the reason why i was rushing the healing process was because pei fen were bringing 7 of us to wild wild wet to rackey. hahaha, it's the funnest idea ever. Going to swim in december when its the coldest and wettest. I knew it'd rain somehow and spoil our plans, nevertheless i still hoped and i daren't think of the possible outcomes of that day. My goodness i was very happy i was all healthy and strong, but somehow pf knew i was sick the day before la, and she kept checking if we had fever. I met pf in the morning and she told me some pretty startling things about what's going to happen to the ss ministry and the changes and some new things that i will have to exprience in the year to come. Then they all came.Pei fen, me, xl, ye, jing yang, vivian and ziling met downstairs and had our lunch. And ziling, just back from bali, was really really really really black, thank goodness my parents didn't come up with some wild idea to holiday in bali, i'd probably buy galleons of whitening lotion. The trip there was really long la. And just like i expected, it rained, but still, it stopped, probably due to prayer haha. I was sooo excited when we got there la.. after we got the tickets we went in, though there was a locker problem, when we got changed and got out.. my goodness i was soo excited, just like a little kid. But jy kept telling me he didn't have that excited feel, So i jumped and clapped and imitated ziling to try to make him excited..haha.Alright, when we were all dry, we got all the way up to try our first ride, the big round circly thingy that 6 people can sit. And when we were happily queueing, that www guy had to take a bucket, fill it with water, and splash it at ussss. when we where all dry! I was sooo coldd.. and the wind up there was very very very coldd. And everyone dodged behind me which made the most splashed guy and haiya.. The ride was alright, haha, i can't scream anyway.Next was that really cool ride, the two seater ride its like a U-shaped ride, it looked really cool. And when it was me and jy's turn, we sat on and i wasn't expecting much anyway. And all the guys were looking at us from below. Haha, so i planned to sit back but when we went down, i never expected it to beee sooooooooooooo steeeeppp. The steepness almost made me pee, so i opened my mouth in shock, though i couldn't scream..haha.. everyone was laughing at my expression.Well that were the only 2 rides, other than that, we only got into the floats and started floating around aimlessly. Well the only fun was that i started to capsize people with my legs, i just dug deep and i capsized vivian and ziling's float hahaha, though it was heavy.. and they were sooo pissed when i did that haha, vivina dunked my head into the water in an attempt to drown me..wahha.Well after that we just resat the rides and did much more floating and we went to bathe. After that we went back to pasir ris and went to macs to eat. And to dicuss the planning for next year. And it's going to be really hectic. There were many changes to the ministry. Many plannings for new events, and she gave a small event entirely to me. whahaha i'm so happy. And we dicussed till late at night then i went home. Well after that we had a one day's break before sunday. Sunday sunday, the Christmas eve, everyone treated it like Christmas anyway. Though i left early cause i had to pay respects to my grandfather because he died on that day, but when i returned, i received a warm welcome.. hahaha, people telling me they've been looking for me, and i received many Christmas cards and presents. Then we made our way to pasir ris mrt, then to changi aloha chalet. The exact same chalet i went 2 years ago. Lots of preparations. And i was called to go shopping with zhi yang. I went into NTUC alone and did all the shopping and then came out quick. wow, i never thought i was so intependent, ahah. Then once again, i had to travel myself to tampines mrt, i even had to ask this guy which side for tampines, and he told me both sides could go..haha, it was only one stop. And i reached tampines, searched and found xl's brother and wei liang, both almost asleep, sitting on the floor waiting for us to fetch them.So i joined them in the waiting, crouched down and waited, and they told me i really looked very ah beng. Tsk tsk, my image must be really bad. Now i finally know, i actually look like an ah beng. haha. And they did come finally, and many new friends to meet. Took a bus down to the chalet again.In the beginning it was a little boring, pf told me to attach to a guy darrell, okay, he's quite open, as long as he's opener than me that's fine, haha, cause i'm closed all the time. The beginning was just playing some games, card games. Then was the cast puzzle competition.I was pretty excited about it because i was never able to solve the cast puzzle in the past competitions, but i finally could, but haven't been able to in a long time because i left my puzzle at wei zhou's house. So i got a new unseasoned one, and started training. When it began, i was so proud when i could make it to section 2 and 3, cause in the past i only stayed at section 1, all the noobies. haha. Of course, in the end, only the proest got to level 4.Then was the best of the groups, and kai xuan the previous winner went up. It was pure amazement, she open and put it back within 15 seconds, i take a minute to do that. Ya, after that was snacking time, and we all pigged at all the snacks they gave, because it still took a while before dinner. Then, haiyo, i was really afraid, because they'd be showing the movie.. oh man i was really very afraid i'd look really stupid, although pf messaged me last night she's seen it and i look really okay. Then, it was timmee.. I was soo afraid. Okay, i sat very in front, and had wei hong, heng wei, cheng hong all the big and strong ns guys lie on me, so i couldn't move and had to cramp my neck to watch, haha. Well, the movie was preetyy alright, though i looked a little stupid.. haha. Well maybe i didn't do as well because i was the main character with the least scenes. Least lines, i even had a very expressive line taken away from me because i was overseas. But towards the end, when i found no satisfaction in gaming anymore, that scene. whaa.. Haha, eveeryone said i did that really well, many people commented me on that scene. And my brother even said my acting was the best amongst all because of that scene, awww. How touching haha, YAY! YES! I've done my best and i've made it. I won't be surprised if Hollywood calls.. hahhaaha. I'm joking, do not vomit.Ya after that was steamboat la, and each group had their own satay steamboat. The meal was alright, wasn't really very filling. Then i urged everyone to start telling us lame jokes and stupid questions, and we all went crazy, trying to solve stupid pattern puzzles, and at all the lame questions and jokes. haha. Then pf sat down and started talking to me, then we shifted to outside to the barbecue pit due to the noise. And that was it, we sat there and chatted for dunno hoooow many hours, probably 4 or 5 hours, just talking about a lot and a lot of stuff, about next year's tight schedule, how i'm going to juggle church and the o levels, and my planning, and my events. And she told me she's giving me the whole wild wild wet event.. whoa. haha. That's really something big, and new, i've never led a whole event by myself, and this is a really big one i guess. And the steps we planned to take next year to keep my faith in place. After that she called together the 6 of us, and she told everyone about next years plans again, about the www, and everyone was surprised that i'll be leading a whole event.. wahaa. they said i've grown up..wahha. Anyway it was then, when i started borrowing pf's feng you, her oil, and i started sniffing.. that really really made me go crazy. I started uttering nonsensical gibberish. I really really really went crazy, and not many people have the honour and opportunity to see this crazy side. And wei hong and his friend came along, and they watched me like i were in a zoo..haha. For no reasons i started scolding ye for farting..hahaha, and i kept saying and saying she farted..ahaha. They said i really loooked like a drug addict. Events of that night, i really couldn't remember. haha. But it took a few long hours before i got sober again. Actually everyone was sleeping already, except us. We stayed through, till the morning, till sunrise. Then the clean up. I assured pf i'll never go crazy again, as long as the grass is green. But it was really inevitable, i really slowly started going crazy, maybe cause i didn't sleep, and i started making fun of people's surname and stuff. Thene everyone helped to clean up and then pf shared a cab with us and vivina and we got home then. At home, tearing open people's presents and reading through the Christmas cards, was great. haha. The cards were all really encouraging and funny, more words finnally, because in the past i was just a quiet little boy no one really knew, and i've opened much so much more. some of the cards even extended to the next page. Haha, all the people that care. And i slept for the whole day, though i told my mum to wake me up because i wanted to have lunch with the other people, but she didn't wake me up, i understood. Haha, then at night i went to my relative's house to celebrate Christmas. And this is the first year i haven't touched their computer to play any games, i'm so proud of myself. I guess i'm finally over the computer and the television. I don't even dare to play any games on my computer now, it all leads to = wastage of time. Time, is an essence. haha. Other than that wasn't much. I'll be back more often to blog when the school reopens soon.
The long awaited sunday. Well i almost couldn't wake up early in the morning due to extreme tiredness and even light night watching of japanese dramas yesterday. And we merrily headed to church =). Well it was quite okay, i'm a lot more carefree nowadays since i'm free from the clutches of tuition, and wei hong, my dear friend.. haha. The only guy that breaks out from his own crowd, from the crowd that surrounds him all the time to chat, to come to chat with me, what a nice guy with sparkling charisma i suspect many girls stalk him home everyday. Okay that's nonsense, but anyway he had to leave for awhile with the guys to somewhere so he chucked me his psp when i didn't say a word and left. haha. What a thoughtful and sweet nice guy with sparkling personality and charm! Haha..Anyway, yep, did some playing, and of course, it doesn't belong to me, so i lent it to everyone, though he told me not to, but i have no right over it and i have no heart to see the guys peeking over at my screen and drooling all over it. Lunch was great and finally singspiration, the long awaited singspiration came and i could finally sing all my troubles and frustrations all out. Ya, haha, though today wasn't the highest of worship moods, funny it is for me, i never get the high mood i look for. At times everyone's just clapping along, the merriness, the cheerfulness, the smiles, the laughter, the love, and God, just makes even you tear. Game time! Haha, it was mostly boring, but lots of laughter through such simple games, and the people around love to make me perform, i had to sing thrice, once the national anthem, once twinkle twinkle, and once the cyyam's favourite welcome song.. Haha. Though my voice was very shaky and i was on the verge of bursting out in laughter, i sang great!!! hahaha.. Ya after that was the packing for log stuff for yesterday night, and everyone got together to clean the church because the caretaker's wife's dad passed away, so they weren't here, and we washed all the toilets and mopped all the floors so they needn't have to worry. And me.. haha. Since it was raining, after most of the work was done, i just stood out in the rain with the white umbrella in hand. Haha, between the container and the church, awaiting people to go to the container to store stuff so i can ferry them across. haha. And before long when all the work was done, i was still standing there, and pei en came over asking me why i was standing in the rain, haha, everyone thought i was posing and started taking photos.. hmm my preparation.. on my way, on the correct path to being a model.. hahaha.Yep, so we left soon after since ziling would be flying off to bali, and we all headed to the airport to send her off. I spend this really really really rare fruitful talking time with the guy with the most sparkling personality.. guess who? Wei hong!! haha.. Well when we reached the airport, we saw ziling's sister, and ohhhh my gooodness, they looked alike and haha.. And ziling came forward and asked us how old we think she is. She told us she's in university year 1.. we almost fainted because they loooked all alike. she asked me how old i thought she was, i told her she looks like my girlfriend. By that, i mean she looks like my ordinary girlfriends from school. But okay, my bad for sending the wrong signals, i didn't even have a chance to make my amendments and they erupted.. haha. Ziling started screaming to pei fen.. ahha, and wei hong also, telling the whole world that ziling's sis loooks like my girlfriend!! NONONO!! hahaha, but then.. haha, who would believe me?!! haha, but of course, i'm only joking, i hope her sister doesn't get the wrong idea that i'm hinting her to be my girlfriend. haha. Well the time there was great! haha, firstly wei hong treated me to a vanilla i dunno what which cost him 5.20. A sweet guy, big heart, sparkling personality, big wallet. I will repay him someday. And there, we started talking about bgr again. Why? haha. And i realised he really treeats me like his good friend, which i'm pretty surprised about, since we've an age gap of 4, and i'm a little antisocial at times, and he has the friends of his generation to talk to, but he treats me as one of his closer friends, and i'm happy. And its wierd talking to him about girls since it makes more sense for him to talk about it at his age but for me, it doesn't since i'm only sec 3. And he openly shared me his secret about his deep crush that lasted 5 years, and he told me to guess it out so openly! No wonder. In his friendster, he has maintained the same profile since the very day i added him. The same mushy words that proclaims his deep love. And the other day i checked it surprised me that he has changed it! Then i figured it must have been something that has impacted him greatly to change his 5 year unchanged profile run. And so the two of stood in a corner, while everyone was merrily chatting inside burger king.. And wei hong shared with me how he got over his deeep liking just 2 days ago. And he shared with me many many things. And i told him many things about the girls i like too. And he told me not to think so much about the people that treat me really nice, he said its because i look like a kid, a small kid and people always treat me like a small kid. Then i felt really sad, i wish i look less kiddy. The probably explains why some people call my childish, though yes i am childish, mix it with my kiddy face, and childishness.. That explains why i try to look fierce sometimes, cocking up my eyebrows, not because i'm trying to act cool, but because i'm trying to do away with the kiddy face! But the actual reason why wei hong says i look kiddy, he couldn't tell me, he just said there's something about me that looks kiddy. Our sharing was so in depth, so secret, that when cheng huan came asking to join our conversation, wei hong asked him to excuse himself, because we were really talking heart to heart as in, close friends. And he kept saying cheng huan's too small.. Which was really stupid since he's one year my senior..haha. Ya, so i was surprised too wei hong shooed him away. Girls are a nono now, its not the feeling that we have for the opposite sex now we get, that's inevitable, its going out and thinking about dating.. But ya, it was quite awkward for me to share with wei hong since he's my senior and i feel stupid telling him about girls since i'm young. He told me to wait for j1, but that's not exactly what i'm thinking, i think the best time is in uni! haha. Ya, there's the class bbq, which honestly i had no intention to go for, because i'm really really tired. But shi xiong called to tell me he'd only go if i went, and that he'd be waiting for me at tpc and he wouldn't leave till i showed up. Goodness, where on earth did i meet such a good friend? I had to go, i had to. So anyway, ziling's family finally left, hope she'll have loads of fun and buy me gifts since i bought her gifts! haha.. So headed all the way to toa payoh, met shi xiong, and headed to miss huang's house. Oh i'm sorry guys, i seemed cold, i seemed like i had a black face, but i'm just tired. And to all the people saying i look like a pastor when i held my Bible, thanks for the compliment and i will consider one day.. haha..Before i end off. people have been shocked to see me reading a chinese book. Its just footprints, the story about a poem that inspired millions la, and its good for my chinese. So why not share it here? I had a Dream (Footprints)One night i dreamed a dream,I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,one belonging to meand one to my Lord.When the last scene of my life shot before meI looked back at the footprints in the sand.There was only one set of footprints.I realized that this was the lowest and saddest times of my life.This always bothered meAnd i questioned the Lordabout my dilemma.''Lord, you told me when i decided to follow You,You would walk and talk with me all the way.But i'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don't understand why, when i needed You most,You leave me."He whispered, ''My precious child,I love you and will never leave younever, ever, during your trials and testings.When you saw only one set of footprintsIt was then when I carried you.''
Night Tour
It's finally over, the event we've been planning for since the early days. And its alll oover. The night tour is done. Goodness me. So it all started from the late afternoon yesterday and i headed to church early to sort out stuff. From there already, i got tired. haha. moving, packing, moving, packing. Then i met pei fen and told her all the dark angel plans. Since jing yang's sick, and he's the log head.. now pei fen has to take over, and we already have a shortage of manpower.So i stayed all the way till night, after the prayer and i had to introduce my guys, and uhh.. the sorting out of groups, so i deliberately requested for wei zhou to be in a all guys group, just to protect his eyes. So yes, 930, wei zhou and darren hopped out of the bus, and immediately after the introduction, between my pei en and zhi yang and them, wei zhou told me he knew that pink shirted girl would stop at our church and he already had a hit on her.. oh my, lol, thank goodness he's in a all guy group. Ya, the beginnining was a little boring, cause it was just a little bonding time to wait for the late, and the played some card games, then they played ice breakers, where i left them completely because i'm not a playerr. And to all the people who think i have quick reflexes, like how i jump to protect myself when something moves too quickly, its because like people like heng yi, who's muscles are much bigger than maybe my head.. he just swings his arms around and tries to hit me all the time, so i always try to protect myself as much as possible, and since i grew up with him too, it has become a habit to cover myself when i think i'm gonna be attacked.. haha, okay la, it might seem a little sissy, its not that badd. haha..So when the bus came, we could finally finally begin, and all the programmers and loggers rushed to load everything when the bus came. First stop, i think its lavander food court. So ya, i'm still unclear to how the game's being played there. But all the programmers and loggers had a great time there.. haha. Well in the beginning i guess they were given 10 mins to buy what they want with the amount they're given, so we sat there and uncle james just bought us tons of food, so we ate merrily, and i just had to find a group 10 mins later and inform them time's up, count their dishes, and tell them to buy their favourite dish with 5 dollars, so my group's vivina's group and i told them everything except to buy their favourite dish.. haha, then i went back to eat and eat. It wasn't until another 10mins later did i realise i have to tell them too.. hahaha, so much more complaning and all the groups were supposed to put their favourite food on our table.So there was pork ribs soup i think, and uhh, carrot cake, and french fries, fried chicken, and.. a whole box of veggies?!@#% WHO ON EARTH EAT'S VEGGIES FOR A MEAL!#%?!% lol, their favourite food's veggies.. ya, so they had to play some games and compete, if they lose, they lose their food. Haha. News spread fast that cheng hung's group lost, and we could have their pork ribs soup. .haha, but i hate pork anyway.. so i just kept picking their food a little by little. Yaa.. and i picked the 5 dollar carrot cake soo carelessly that they caught me picking.. haha. But i ate really full.. it was great picking food. haiyo, xiao ling had to remind me my game's next.. Wah, when we got onto the bus, on our way to pasir ris park.. it started drizzling!!! Wahhh.. of all time, all the games it can rain on, it has to be this game!#% Well yes, patience, prayer, and hope. Soon enough it stopped.. and pei fen could finally allow it to continue, so the loggers were very very busy. When the bus stopped, all of us rushed to the maze, xiao ling and the rest were to slow down the pace of the players, and make sure they take a relaxing stroll.. haa. And we rushed all the way down to the maze. Plucking out the light sticks, hurling them into the bushes of the maze, all the loggers rushed to the middle. And i, alone, awaited all the men. They came finally, and i need help from xiao ling to make them all settle down, esp cheng hung, had to whack his arse several times before he would listen to me. And so.. haha, total silence, and everyone was looking at me.. ah haha, can't blame me for being nervous. So i carried on to explain the game of this dark angel, total different version, and the inclusion of the riddles. And that if they were to be caught, they had to go to prison to suffer punishment before they could be released. Okay, in the beginning it was rather chaotic, no one knew anything, nor where the riddles lay. Till i gave them the riddle of riddles.The Riddle of RiddlesI am, the lord of all the seven,To tell you now, where they are hidden;Look up above at the wind vane!Looking North, south, east or west will all be in vain;Where they lie, is equidistant,To find the spot, one has to walk a distance;Perilous is the journey, one must navigate,Avoid the dark angels when the music is played!Along the way, danger and treasure alternates,But in the center, the riddles await.This simple riddle is not for solving! haha. The purpose of the riddle is to tell them all the other riddles are held in the middle of the maze! And yet everyone was having a headache. ''what's the lord of the 7?'' ''seven seven, seven dwarves!'' haha, i said earlier on there's a total of 7 riddles!!! So i told everyone its just for your information!!! There're seven riddles! haha.. Oh yeah.. haha, i forgot to give fiana's group the riddle.. and they complained soo much.. ahha.. Anyway, they were really really really very slow in getting the riddles, i was supposed to give pf a miss call everytime i'm ready to let off another riddle, and they're all in the middle! But no one's getting them!! So i told pf to tell the dark angels to not catch them when they've already entered the middle. Everyone just busied themselves collecting lightsticks. 7 riddles to collect, 1 hour of gameplay, 2 dark angels, lots of musical play.. and still no one got anything.. Much relief when the first group got a riddle. And the clues! The clues! Every group kept taking extra clues which was frustrating, i had to walk all way in to pass it to someone to put it back.. Soon enough i was telling everybody to head to the middle!!! And ya, haha, i saw darren kena caught! wee.. haha.. And they had to head to jail. Hahaha, in jail, ailing passed them paragraphs and they had to memorize one or two sentences.. which are probably the most difficult..haha. The sentences are about Gandalf and are from wikipedia.. hahahaha.. everyone had a hard time memorizing.. Before long, even pei en started reciting, ''He found that the Necromancer was indeed the Dark Lord himself, and also discovered the dying dwarf Thrain II, who gave him the map and the key to Erebor.'' Haha, a little Gandalf knowledge won't hurt right? haha.. Ya anyway, we had to extend the game a little more.. and everyone could get a lot of the riddles, only a few couldn't get all. And ya. the clues and all were pretty useless i guess.. all the riddles are soooo easy! haha.. In answer is in it itself! Well in some of course, they're all pretty obvious, but i can't make it too hard can i?! Well yes, its finally over.. And on the bus everyone gave me their answers, and i'm sad to say everyone got everything right, except one group who wrote ''saturn'' instead of ''satan'' haha.. and besides those who didn't get all their riddles. That was pretty much about it.. next was esplanade for the phototaking competition.. which went pretty bad.. because that bus uncle fetched us to the wrong side of esplanade.. and they didn't go in.. Finally was prawn catching.. and the programmers and loggers didn't get much rest either.. we had to rush about.. starting the fire.. giving out food.. thought i wasn't doing much since i was beat.. And everyone was doing soo well catching prawns.. except pei en's group.. they only caught one.. haha.. and i saw every group had sooooo many..killing the prawns was fun.. they dumped them out and drowned them with salt.. which was really cool.. they kept jumping about.. and me, being a sissy, was busy shielding myself..hahaha. And catching.. barbecuing.. salting.. before long, we didn't even know it but the sun rose.. and aww.. the mood was spoiled.. sun rise le where got mood? haha.. no more mood to sleep too.. That's it.. its all over.. and finally. back to church.. back home.. back to bed..
Today is the first day i'm home! Haha, long since i had a good rest, so good i woke up to lunch in front of me. Yesterday i went out for the whole day and went home alone at uhh, 1030? I guess, have been really really busy since the few days before china, i never really spent time at home at all! haha. But its good, spritually enriching too, and i'm glad, i'm happy. Ya so i spent my day at home and the program for night tour is finally done!!!!!!!!!!! Wah, we had huge headaches over it, especially over my section, and then lastly we decided to come out with 7 riddles, and i had to headache once again for 7 riddles, and they're done, and i'm quite surprised i could come out with them too. So to the guys that are going to the night tour, you all are going to have quite some fun! haha, unless it rains of course. And uhhh.. maybe i'll post my riddles one day, after the night tour. Very short post because i have to get back to the night tour stuff. see ya guys!
Holy Wood debut
Today, finally church after missing 2 weeks, though i still went a lot these few days, but i've missed the sunday service for 2 consecutive weeks. Yes, it finally came and though today isn't a very good day. Cause after tuition though i have none because i finally released my tuition kid and i no longer have to teach him ever ever again. Ya after lunch we went straight to filming the biggest scene for the Christmas movie, and before that we had to put makeup. Haha, everyone made a big deal out of my interest in putting make up, i think its cool! Haha, but but.. sigh, don't say, just put the usual basic foundation, and wei hong came over to put some blusher on me.. hahaha, of course, that wasn't what they intended, but i looked so ewww, or maybe, cool when i looked myself in the mirror, with bright pink rosy cheeks =). Ya, and i have to change back to that outfit i wore the last time i filmed. And this time is the class scene la, so ya, back to that beng outfit, and the moment i walked about after displaying my cross pendant, i got stares from everyone there, saying i look beng.. hahaha, yes! Looks definitely ARE deceiving! So begins the gruesome waiting hours, had to wait for yan heng to take soooooo many shots just for the intro scene into the classroom. And i just sat there with the beng way of sitting, and everyone still continued looking at me and feeling the inability to just continue elsewhere and stopping to tell me how really really beng i look. And the worst is that wei hong's psp didn't have batt, and i had to fiddle with it while the screen's blank, cause my role is to be an extreme gamer. Well yeah, i pity the care leh fairs, lol, don't know how to spell cause they don't have any roles at all! They're just there waiting for so many hours doing nothing, saying nothing, just showing their faces. Well it HAD to be at my scene, whereby EVERYONE got out of their chairs to come to me for a much closer look, or maybe to count the number of pimples i have but sadly, i have none at the moment.. haha. Ya, so the camera was right in front of me and everyone surrounded me and i had to give that beng look, cock my lips, my eyebrown, look fierce, use my hand and do an ah beng hand sign, and say ''wu hiao bo'' is that it? I forgot, then ailing has to say something and i have to reply with ''wah kio xiang shen'' Which means my name is xiang sheng i think, and heng wei suggested i point at myself so i did, and i decided to do it slowly, to show some authority, like i'm the biggest beng, haha.. Ya, that scene i had to do tons of times, maybe not tons, because i kept bursting out laughing.Then another difficult scene to settle was the voiceover scene whereby i had to just give that blank look, open my mouth, and shake my head, simply put, look stupid for 10 secs, and the 10 secs never seemed to end, i had to shake my head and look dumb clearly knowing that there're so many eyes staring at me, and it was difficult because sometimes, that dumb look couldn't last 10 secs, and sometimes yan heng sniggered when he watched me on the video cam. Haha, lots of laughs and pressure in those scenes. Ya, it tooooooooooook sooo long for it to be over la, what a tiring day.. Lot's more to come! Ah, there's still night tour meeting tomorrow, night tour logging on tues, wed's free! Thur's st bandy, Fri's the long awaited night tour! And uhh.. yep. haha. And i haven't had proper rest since before China! haha.. this is fun.
Army's closing
Well today morning i woke up early to have to prepare to meet pf at ang mo kio, my goodness, since before china i've been heading out early in the morning, but i thought today i'd be happily at home before night. So i was looking for something really casual to wear, but haha, after china and the camp, i had no more bermudas, haha, so i decided to dress more formal with collared shirt and jeans and shoes, which might not be that formal but at least more formal than flip flops.Well the reason why i had to head out early was because we were sending kai en off to the army, i feel so sorry for him, he had the best of fun during the camp and now he has to leave the ones he wouldn't want to leave most. And heading to where? But the most demoralising botak camp, oh that's sad.Well yeah i meet pf at uh, amk and sat a really really long bus to pasir ris and on our journey there, we were talking about Bgr, and pf was really puzzled on why i haven't liked many girls yet, haha.. and to their macs, and mostly everyone was already there. Then ate a meal. And followed the guys to send him off.Well the thing i regret was that i didn't even say much to him, i was like at the back at the back, and i didn't get much chance to speak to him. And we headed to where they were, and saw many young men walking to their buses, awww, so sad. And pf told me kai en's special because he's going in earlier because this batch is for the guys who are much bigger in size, or simply put, fat. And they'd be surprised because kai en has slimmed down sooooo much, he's in the skinniest state i've ever seen him in all my life, he used to be fat. He's slimmed down so much that he can even wear my size's T-shirt (which isn't small, haha).. He was like the skinniest in the lot, everyone along with him were really really HUGE.. And yeah, cheng hong jokingly asked me to tuck in my shirt and join them, which really reminded me and everyone that i'm going in soon too! haha..Yes, 3 years go by pretty quick, and before long a lot of guys were asking me when i was going in, since i was the only young gun there that hasn't gone it. Now Cyyam faces a serious crisis known as the shortage of MANpower, when i say man, i mean it literally, we really have no MEN, and too many WOmen. That was why i even had to help other groups during the camp, and it was only because of training that i was sent to Log, that was why i was the only guy in log. Haha, right now is really the Ns period. Wei hong's still in ns, Ying Qian's in ns, cheng hong's in ns, uhh, shawn's in ns, uhh, zhi yang's in ns, yan heng's in ns. heng yi's going in, jon's going in, Dao yi's going in, Kai en just got in. My goodness, who's left? But the guys who have already done them, and the guys who are still far from doing them, like me and jing yang. And seriously, 3 years is not not not long. That was why everyone really noticed me when cheng hong joked to me, because hey, really! The small little quiet boy they know as hexun's going to be enlisted in 3 years? Unless they deem my brain to be too deformed or my eyesight to be too cocked that i can't march in a straight line. Ya, and these 3 years will be the 3 longest years of my life! Oooo i can't wait! haha, i want to join the Botak trend, yep, more and more guys are going bald, ok not bald, botak, and i'll find my hair won't stay there for long.. Well just after we bade farewell, while we were still discussing and planning my dangerous and perilous journey home, ailing, on the phone with Wei Hong asked if i could go for his commissioning. I was shocked of course. I didn't even understand what was happening. Well, she told me today was the day he'd become an officer and there's a ceremony for it. Wahh, i'm invited! haha. Well she couldn't make it and somehow i was the only one there who was properly dressed, besides zhi yang, well i don't know if he waas invited earlier on.. But when she told wei hong about it, she told me he sounded really happy.. haha. So yay, no need to go home, instead, me pf xl and ye went all the way to uhh, parkway, which was where we ate ramen yesterday to eat pasta mania. And i strayed off to buy some sports shorts, then i went to change my chinese currency to sing, since i had soo much left over. Yep i reached wei hong's house after that and wei shen showed me some cool movie trailers like spiderman 3.. soo cool! But then again, we have to wait for spiderman 4 before venom appears, oh how waiting kills, and i realised he had the whole seasons of simpsons all in his computer, and i told him there's the simpsons movie which he hadn't even heard of. Wow, the movie trailer was just too funny.. haha, very simple.. but extremely funny.. Well yeah, wei shen's a funny guy, not many from church know him or some haven't even seen him, because he's a very quiet who doesn't enjoy the crowd, put shortly, an extreme introvert, i guess only the early churchers who grew up in church know him, and he didn't join the youth. Yep, i was kinda afraid of him when i was young, he seemed quite hostile. But i realised he's a super funny guy. Haha i remember last time when i shared a room with wei hong and wei shen in langkawi, he was so funny la, he demanded that i'd be in bed by nine when he realised i was sleeping with them. haha. AND, i still remember in Australia when we had to take a gruesome 8 hour car ride from adelaide to melbourne, he slept on my shoulder for 1 portion of the car journey, which took about 2-3 hours before the toilet break, and because i didn't have the heart to wake him up, i didn't, and i couldn't sleep, and when the toilet break came, my shoulder literally broke. Yeah, i really like wei hong's mum! haha, she's very cute and really nice to me, she treats me like her son! hahaYeah, so wei hong's parents all dressed very formally fetched me to the satif thingy placey and we picked up zhi yang and sat down at the parade square. My goodness, it was the boringest place on earth. I mean, just watching them march and march and march, and cramping our necks to see if the 5th guy of the 6th platoon is wei hong. And yeah it was him alright. And there was finally a time when we could meet face to face, to uhh, what's that word, i forgot that magic word, something like crown him his officer badge la, and EVERYONE ran down to crown their guys, so he was there, all tan and sweaty, and hot and handsome. Took a few pics with him and then it was over. It so cool la, i also wanna be officer! haha.. Ya, we parted with his parents for they had dinner with them, so the rest of us left for Jurong Point. Wei shen's so super funny.. haha We went to mos burger, and it was my first time there.. And wei shen kept asking me what i wanted, i said anything, he told me he'll get me the BEST. So i trusted him. He bought all of us Unagi Rice burgers. When he first told me it was eel, i was shocked. Okay la guys, don't freak out, just that i haven't eaten eel. It was nice, but the seaweed wasn't, i don't like seaweed see.. Then that wei shen kept saying don't waste food, people in africa also never see before. He was exaggerating so much on how nice that burger was la, he even kissed his wrapping paper clean after finishing his burger.. haha.. Ya, after that we took a cab, 3 destinations. And he was hilarious, telling me about the simpsons episodes, telling me how his holiday just started and he spent his days watching every episode every season, so i told him to stop wasting his life, asking him why he didn't attend uj's time management talk.. hahaha, and i told him he could have spent his time improving english by reading.. He told me he improves his english by reading soccernet..hahahaha, so hilarious, and when i told him i wrote articles for soccernet he rocked the whole taxi..I was joking of course..Yeah, he's really funny.. haha. Just to add, i had stomach upset when i got home, must be wei shen and his stupid unagi! haha.. Well yes i'll be as busy as before, night tour coming next friday!! woohoo! haha.. and yeah, lots more, even filming tomorrow..Enjoy the holidays!
Love, warmth, and dark angels
Ooh okay i'm back from youth camp, back home once again, i really had the best time here and i guess i'll just summarize as much as possible, haha. Well the first day, hmmm.. Oh yes, i got there early and helped out in quite a lot of stuff. I'm in the log committee see, i'm not one of the players, and there're really really many players this year, i wonder why, and i wonder why too, i'm the only guy in the log committee, guess pf wants to put me there for a good reason, and i'm not complaining, though that means i have to do lots of work while everyone's having a great time.Well the response for camp wasn't that overwhelming, we only had 5 seekers, and all 5 of them were young guns, primary 6 to sec 1 only, and all males. And yes, i have to add we happened to have a shortage of males, all of them were struck with ns, too bad i was drafted to log. Well the first day was really really fun, well i missed the uhh, icebreakers, but they soon started the amazing race game, well the theme for the camp this year is life's codebreaker and everybody happened to get stuck on this stupid ulu island and everyone has to fight for plots of land, as in competition between groups, and kai en briefed me, to be a marshall for the amazing race game.. ooohoo!Well, though the game wasn't much fun, it was still fun actually, i found out everyone had the most problems getting through my station. Well originally i was just to make the guys do 3 two pointers, and as i waited at macpherson's cc's basketball court, kai en called me to delay the time, so when every group got here, they had to wait super duper long cause i told them to do 5 two pointers and 2 three pointers and the 2 pointers have to be consecutive. And ziling complained like crazy and she pushed me all around the court. What disrespect to the game marshall! Anyway i let every group so much la, i'm such a nice guy.Ya its soo hott, thank goodness i'm not a player, i returned back to church and i even got a sneak preview of the Christmas movie, my goodness, its really funny.. haha, but i didn't see much of myself, i certainly hope i loook okay. Yeah after that everyone came back halfdead, they were scorched, tired and just, tired. Then more games, and the clash of the factions thingy, and i had to join one group cause they had a serious lack of guys. Yeah so the first night was pretty much like that, i can't remember if there was a talk after that, but must have been, i probably missed it cause the loggers were all soo busy. And yeah, slept after that, and sleeping beside jing yang's bad, he snores quite loudly.. hahaThe next morning i complained to him he snored really loudly, he surprised me when he said i slept first and he told me i snored like a frog, hmmm.. that's bad, haha.. means i don't have enough oxygen!! Yeah then was the study smart talk and i assited pei en thruout. And halfway my brother handed me my wallet telling me not to leave it in my bag, then i check check check, i realised i had 10 dollars missing leh.. someone must have stolen it!!! Oh well..Then was the Bgr talk!!! I don't believe i missed it, the speaker's like sooooo good, i wanted to listen but had to leave halfway to set up more games. sigh.. Oh yes, during breakfast, someone poked me, then i couldn't find out who leh, then i realised it was vivian, then i was very angry! haha.. So i picked up a spoon, waiting for a golden chance to poke her.. haha.Well yeah, after that was more games, and got wet and stuff. And i finally got the chance to poke vivian with the spoon! Then we busied ourselves with the preparation for talentime, we started blowing balloons, and i blew the heart shaped one, because the heart shaped balloon wouldn't look good if you don't blow it big, i blew it big and it burst in my face! Haha, it was soo scary, like someone gave me a tight slap, but i was alright.. haha. and every group did acting, which was way way below par, i mean their story's soooo boring laa, but it was really really funny, i laughed a lot throughout, especially at yan heng and his silly antics..It was here that i found a little green balloon, i slipped it over my spoon and found it really cool. Well so i went around wielding my spoon and a lot a lot of people asked me what i was doing, haha, its all for that girl named vivian.So comes the highlight of the camp, dayyy 3! Well after breakfast we listened to the talk for a while then had to rush down to prepare for more games at pasir ris, so uhh, 5 of us squeezed at the back of a car, and i was squashed to death, i'm like the only guy there, lol, and i was squashed by fiana.Well we had a good time, because we went there and it was raining, so we ate and played bluff for the whole time, haha, we had a great time, it was so funnny. And when they did finally come, they only played the dressing up game, and somehow, fiana just got me to stand up and she started dressing me up! As caesar! Lol, after the game, kai en said there's a special guest apperance and he invited me in front of everyone to do a catwalk.. My goodness, that was sooo embarrassing, and he said i had to pose 3 times, haha, so i walked to the end and stood, then uhh, i just shifted my butt.. lol, i did that 3 times because i can't think of any sexy poses, and i was holding my ballooned spoon throughout.. haha, my scepter.Finally finally finally the night came, my goodness i've been waiting all night, while everyone was listening to the talk, we came out halfway to prepare for dark angel. I was soooo excited, because for the first time i can be a dark angel!! weeee. I couldn't even wait, while everyone was busy setting up clues. Oh yes i haven't explained the game, its a mighty simple game, the simplest version is simply just a few cloaked people in masks, scary masks. The players roam about looking for clues to the game, but when the scary music is played, the dark angels will roam about and try to catch these players. Well this version is just that when we catch them, they have to go to prison upstairs and the group members will have to redeem them through points. It must sound really corny here, but it's a really really scary and exciting game. Well i was really jumping about when they were already testing, the game was going to played at the second floor, and all the lights were switched off except the exit sign.. oooo, sooo coool. Cheng hung came down and expected good stuff, he thought he'd be the dark angel, haha, i could feel his disappointment when we told him he wasn't, because he's too fast, and he gave me that look, telling me to watch out.. haha, i can't wait to catch him. And when we prepared to dress up, my heart was already beating like hell.. I was sooo excited. wahahah. Yeah, i got that cool scary mask on, hooded myself with the black cloak, and went down with fiana for hiding. Wah, we waited soo long for them la.. haha, when ailing walked past she almost had a heart attack when she saw me.. haha, okay, i was really really scary. The game was VERY VERY exciting, when it started, i could feel the adrenaline.. oo, the music played, and i ran out, wahhh.. haha, looking at all the players, they screamed at the sight of me, i was happy, very very happy. During the first music i caught 2 players, and many many more. As the game went on, i got fiercer and fiercer, it's just sooo cool, and i ran and ran and frightened and frightened, i remember i frightened shu qin that she couldn't even stand up, she just crouched down in fear. haha.. It was so fierce la, i played till my mask kept slipping down due to sweat, eventually, the string broke, i rushed up again to replace. And i entered the prison. When i entered, there was a huge uproar. ''HEXUN!'' haha, ''hexun, you idiot! Never let me off!'' ''Hexun! Hexun!'' hexun hexun hexun! haha, i put half of the guys in jail! I ran down again.There was once i was hiding in the room when the music wasn't on, a seeker came in and took his lightstick and knocked it against my mask, poking fun of me, he was with several others, well i couldn't do anything but keep quiet, he made fun of my and i was boiling. They left and the music immediately started, i sprinted all the way, just directed at him alone, and when they reached the door, i just nice caught him and though we went out of the door, i caught his shirt.. wahhaha, revenge is sweeeeett, i could feel his regret when i escorted him to jail.. wahhaha, make fun somemore laaa! I hid in the sound room and was in cahoots with the sounds people.. hahaha, they told me to prepare when they were about to play the music. Its so funny, one moment you see someone running, then they click then you see them running back.. hahah. Yanheng told me that dao yi just ran past, so he played for me and i got out and he ran right into my arms.. hahaha.. That was pretty much it, i couldn't play anymore, within 1 hour i had become a public enemy, while resting in the sound room, i could even hear them chanting my name!! Everyone, EVERYONE knew it was me..before long jia hui even told me to be substituted because everyone knew it was me, and that wasn't the plan.. lol..Well yeah, after the game finished, i was just really hot, and i suddenly received many many smses and i realised it's my birthday already. My goodness, so fast, i'm 15! All those who stayed up all night to wish me, i thank you, all those who just happened to be up, i thank you all the same.. haha. I received non stop smses from schoolmates and there not a soul even knew it was my birthday! haha.. Anyway eventually they knew la, and everyone just erupted into the birthday song. And how can i say i'm not touched, since everyone kept erupting into the song like througout the whole day, which made me really embarrassed. haha. And yeah, when the camp was about to end, phototaking session, and zi wei the gangster looking guy wrapped his armed around me, i felt so, touched.. haha, i mean, i didn't really talk to him much la. And yeah, the whole church erupted into a birthday song again..haha.Yes, the big cleanup, and i spent my birthday srubbing the girl's toilets. haha, not that i mind, but it's pretty ironic isn't it? yeah soon after, pf, wai yee and xiaoling and i left, and the people sang me the birthday song once more, and we left to eat ramen. Ramen was fine, ate for a while and spent a few hours there laughing about lots of stuff. So that was the camp, and my birthday, i'd like to thank all those who wrote to me encouragement cards during the camp, will remind me of the wonderful days, and pf for her treat. Thank you guys.
I'm back from survivor. And i don't want to make this sound like i'm back, so i'll start from the very first day. This will be my attempt to type down the longest ever post i've ever posted. Well firstly there's a short introduction to the characters of survivor, or china. Well, my family didn't exactly go alone, we have never for a long long time. In fact, i think the last time we've ever gone alone as a family was to beijing. And so, i'll never be used to it if our family goes overseas as the family, as in flesh and blood family. If not, it'll be the big family, haha. Anyway.. the usual people that go with us are from church, its wei hong's family, to people who don't know, he's the guy on my desktop background, (in a pic with me) and uhhh.. sometimes heng yi's family, but quite seldom nowadays, and uhh.. very rarely jessica's family.. Anyway, i've had most fun going in families, i'm telling everyone going as a family alone is BORING, really.. its just simply the best fun and laughter. I remember last year we went to langkawi, and heng yi's family weren't going, yet they were there to sent us off to the airport.. while we were about to board, they followed us.. haha.. they shocked us like crazy when they told us they were actually going to penang.. But then, in the end they told us they were going along with us to langkawi.. That was the prank of the century.. The biggest surprised ever.. haha.. i never imagined they were so sneaky.Well that's it, and i was pretty sure i'd be bored to death since wei hong's family was going but he and his brother isn't, and only jess's parents are going.. My goodness, i was quite sad when haiyo.. only their parents were going, means me and my brother are the only kiddies going.. and its China.. the boringest place for kiddies who know nothing. Well i'll start the story already. Its not exactly an exciting story, so don't read it if you're bored. China Horror Day 1Well we had to wake up so early in the morning. And rushing here and there, and yes, its a holiday we're going for, so its inevitable to feel happy, or even excited, but i knew i couldn't expect too much.. c'mon! Its china! Its not paris or new zealand or venice or or or russia? Its china! the country richest in culture and history and and and history! But yeah, what am i complaining about, its a trip overseas and not get bored in singapore. But then again, i think i'd rather stay here. Well yes, time for excitement, took a cab to the airport. And wei hong was there to sent his parents off too.. oh i was so sad they weren't going. But go wee did..And my parting words to him were to enjoy the teddy bear video i filmed the day before. Oh this trip is the only trip i didn't want to go.. i just wasn't in that mood.. I wanted to go to churcchh.. haha. Yes, its the first time i missed the take off.. oh the wonderful takeoff, how could anyone in the world miss it? And so, i slept alot alot, and after 4 hours, we reached kun ming airport.And after meeting our guide, getting out, the whipping cold, and getting on the bus, i got excited already. I mean, i know China, china's boring, but still, i don't know much of what we'll be doing, i just wanted to get in the bus, and get to the hotel and sleep. If you guys didn't know.. i LOVE hotels. Remember i gave a speech in chinese class last year on how my ambition was to be a hotelier? Yes, i absolutelly love them, and really unfortunately, getting on a tour and letting them send you to the hotel to sleep immediately happens 0% of the time. IT NEVER HAPPENS. Unless you're on free and easy of course, yes, no matter which country i'm in, i'd always long to go back to the hotel. I don't like walking much, shopping much, exploring much, i just love the comfort of the hotel. And thus, while we were on the bus, still going through the introduction part, the guide started telling us about the tons of pickpockets and beggars around the area, that there're ruthless cheats and it just scared me a lot, i really wanted to go home at that time.. Anyway, wei hong's mum told me wei hong smsed me to tell me he really enjoyed the teddy bear video.. haha, yes, I HAVE SEXY VOICE!We got our own really really short time to eat lunch, and walking through the square of the city, really pained me. We were told to totally ignore all the beggars. And that was really painful, i mean, we walked through, when the pitiful old man asked for money, when the homeless little children begged for coins, when the legless man pleaded for compassion, we had to not even look them in the eye and walk through like snobbish rich people. But sigh.. what to do.. We toured the some spots in kunming after lunch, learning their thousand year old histories, but i was still fine, its the first day! I'm full of energy. Yes, and our first dinner was really fun too. While we were dining, there was this guy looking at some of us, and he started cutting some paper, and my father told us he was cutting people's side profiles and pasting it on the thingys.. So he cut some guy from our tour and sold it to him for 10rmb, which is equivalent to 2 dollars here of course, and then he came over.. haha. And yay, i just knew he would be cutting my profile, although i wasn't sure, so everyone was pretty unsure who's profile he was cutting. And wei hong's mum joked with me, as she was sitting beside me, she wanted to bet with me if he was cutting her profile or mine, and in the end, he cut mine. =D. Everyone said it looked very alike, i didn't think so.. it didn't even look like me.. ahha.. and he said i had special lips.. aww! Maybe cause they were swollen due to the cold..haha. And so after my cut everyone started to ask him to cut too.. ahha, wei hong's mum told him to enhance her looks even.. haha. And i was still quite happy, when we went to the hotel, wei hong's mum said something about going to ktv to sing songs, well of course i thought they were joking, but then, after we settled down, my parents told me they'd be going to the hotel's ktv.. And how on earth could i miss that. The tv had NOTHING on except chinese news, so yes! My first ever trip to ktvvv.. wahhaha. And so we got to the 5th floor of the hotel, when the door opened, it was all black, and blinking lights and blaring music, and a lady welcomed us in, haha, i felt like a vip, i don't know, it seemed like some high class night club. A long hallway with doors to the rooms, and the people there guarding the outside of the rooms, and all the doors were gold, as in painted gold haha.. And the red carpets, and more blaring music, it was so high class, i have no idea if its likee this in singapore too. And wow, when we entered the room it was even more high classed.. okay maybe its just i haven't been to any ktv.. haha, its such a huge cosy room and comfortable funiture and haiya, its just nice la.. And they started singing and singing, and there's the ever so helpful hostess.. And she served DUCK TONGUE.. my goodness, what surprised me more was that i tried it, and i spat the first mouth out.. and everyone was eating it like its uhhh.. its a hamburger or something.. haha, like its the tastiest thing on earth.. And ya.. when the hostess asked if me and my brother could drink the red wine, jessica's mum just said can la can la.. haha.. and i'm glad she did.. So it was a VERY fun night.. though i was just looking at them sing.. but it was REALLY funny. I mean, wei hong's dad was just singing everything offkey.. haha.. it was really really really funny, his singing is so funny la.. i mean, no offense but it was.. haha, everyone laughed when he sings, and he's great because he dared to. Yes, my dad was the only one who can sing, i'm not boasting cause he's my dad but ya la, he can sing la, and i always tell him to teach me, i wish i could sing half as good as me. So yes, there was red wine and mango juice, and i wanted to get done with just one glass of red wine and be fine for the night. So i gulped down the right wine and the mango juice. But, the hostess refilled, and i'm telling you guys, i dislike to see that glass full, so i drank it too.. But then, however busy the hostess was, she still refilled my CUP! MYYY goodness, its not because i wanted to drink the wine, i didn't want to, not that much, but i had to because its me everytime she refilled it. And so i gulped and gulped and gulped. And i really didn't want to drink anymore, at my 6th glass, i told her not to fill my red wine, she filled others' then came back and gave me a little more.. WHAT'S HER PROBLEM!#?% I guess she doesn't like to see cups empty just as much as how i don't like to see cups full..haha.. But i really stopped at my 8th cup no matter how much my brain told me to continue. And thus, the cup count was: red wine- 8, mango juice- 4. And red wine was just WONDERFUL, i guess, my heart beat so much faster, haha, before long, i could hear my heart throbbing from my head. And having drunk 12 cups, it was a matter of time before i started to visit the loo. The 2nd time i visited the loo, i suddenly felt very very very sick, and i felt like vomitting..My goodness, i came out wanting to vomit, but i just drank a glass of water and i was just as fine as before, and so, all the adults made me and my brother sing tong hua.. which is a song i don't hear often, but still.. haha, maybe its the influence of red wine? I mean, i drank red wine and sang like john denver at ngee ann poly.. haha.. But i didn't refuse the mike at all, they just asked the young uns to sing, and i just picked up the mike and sang.. haha. it was quite embarrassing though.. everyone was clapping along, and the hostess squatted beside me and clapped along too, singing beside me, and she kept looking at me as if i didn't know how to read the words.. haha.. And so i sang like a drunk girl and everyone applauded after we finished.. haha. That was a great night, i sang another english oldie, but it was a real real pity they didn't have enough english songs, because that, ''unchained melody'' was the ONLY song i knew, and i happened to sing that in ngee ann too.. haha.. And after that, everyone was really glad we sang for them, that we were so game, because maybe i wouldn't if i don't know.. i honestly dont' know why i took up the mike.. I think i was actually looking forward to singing that night. That was why i wanted to go with them to the ktv, i actually wanted to sing! haha.. Anyway, we got back to sleep and my parents were proud of us.. haha, its as if i scored 6 points for my o's but they were glad we sang. China Horror Day 2:Nono guys, don't be afraid, the first day was fun, that's why its long, the rest will be short, don't worry.. haha. Anyway, woke up so early luh, 630, as if we were going to school, and took a long bus ride to some ancient cave, and yay, there was smoke when we talked.. so cool! haha.. And there was the 336 steps climb, which i must say was tougher than everest. Finally, after so long, we visited 5-star toilets. One of the biggest problems china faces is their toilets.. dirty smelly and totally revolting.. and they've got the best toilets too. Totally amazing, they have televisions to let you watch while peeing, though, no one would actually watch, to me, i'd focus on doing my job, i wouldn't want to watch above, i'd want to know i'm well ambushed, no one can see it, so i'll keep looking down.. haha.. so yeah, they have a spider there, and when i first saw it, i really almost screamed, when i realised its there, i don't know for what, i think it helps aiming.. haha.Well next was dinner, and we were eating when jessica's mum suddenly called me shuai ge.. haha.. then she asked if people called me that often, i said not so often, then she said i'm skinny and i hunch often and that's a minus point, so i nodded. Then she said i had great complexion =D Then my mum said i have little pimples, then she said i had NONE, then my mum said where got??? She pointed to her some, then she replied saying its okay since she's short-sighted.. hahaha. China Horror Day 3:Lol, this post is getting booring.. That's how china is.. On the morning of the third day, there was no cold water, i was really very pissed, i wanted to bathe!!!! So i was really depressed, because its freezing cold, i really wanted to go home at that time, and when i realised we were 5 days away from home, i was really depressed. So we visited a jade store, and the director happened to be a singaporean. Telling us all about the fakes in the business, and telling us alot of nonsense. Then he gave us a really low price on some jades, and the sales promoters gave that stupid dumbfounded face.. haha.. So it was the really really really long 5 hours bus ride to dali. My goodness, i just couldn't take it. One year ago i slipped while playing soccer in school and hurt my butt bone, ever since, it pains my butt when i sit long. For example, i couldn't wait for king kong to finish. It was really killing me. So many hours watching that dumb ape, my butt really really was hurt. And now, its 5 hours, my goodness, luckily i sleep all the time, but i did awake and realised my arse was hurting loads. Sigh.. i wish i can do something about this.And just as we were about to reach, the guide told us about child beggars, about how children could be taken away and tortured, and told to beg. There was this story, of a plain clothed policeman who saw this girl who had a chunk removed from her thigh and she was bleeding and begging for money. The policeman asked her where she came from, she refused to tell him anything. And thus, he kept giving her money everyday, till one day he asked her again, she replied her uncle and auntie took care of her. He asked her why she was bleeding everyday, she said something like making herself bleed so that the the meat won't grow back and her uncle won't cut that piece off again.. eewww, so that policeman uncovered china's biggest child beggaring scam society.. they earn tens of thousands.. So giving them money is giving their owners.That story freaked me out, though i was quite old already, but i was still afraid some guy will kidnap me and make me a beggar.. my goodness, all the more i wanted to return home. And so in dali, we were told the winds were freaking strong, that's why the trees are never straight, all bent. And so, we put the winds to the test, the few of us decided to go out for dinner, and MY GOODNESS. THE WHIPPING WIND WAS TOTALLY WHIPPING. I had 4 layers on, plus a scarf, plus my gloves, but the wind was just cold and stinging, against my face, KFC was a super long walk away and we really almost couldn't make it.. The wind was really really really really stinging cold, and i still remember today, i really couldn't take it, i almost ran to Kfc when i saw the sigh from afar. Wow, the dinner there was great. But all of us sulked when we finished, knowing we had to walk through that blizzard again..And we did, thankfully it wasn't as bad as the first time..China Horror Day 4: BLANK. 3 hour butt hurting ride to lijiang (somewhere colder)China Horror Day 5: Yes, my brother wanted to go home too, i told him to jia you.. haha.. 3 more days.. And yes, in lijiang it neared the negatives.. it was suppper cold. I almost froze to death standing in the toilet half naked, you see. its really fun. You're in the toilet, you want to bathe, you know it'll be freezing, you prepare all the clothes, towels, stuff, undies, and prepare for the moment to take it all off and quickly jump in before you freeze.. haha, so yes, i almost froze, it was really really cold. And wei hong's dad already turned victim to the cold, or rather, the effect from the differences in altitiude.. As lijiang is much higher..And so it was shopping time, and i was really sad there was nothing to buy, well i bargained for 2 wind chimes and 2 scarves. The scarves were at 65 rmb each, i told her to give me 100 for 2, she said 120, gave me that cute look and called me handsome.. haha, so i bargained for 105, and due to my lousiness in chinese, i think i said 150 in chinese instead.. haha.. she asked me if i was serious, i said yes, but i then said 105 clearly just in case, then she laughed.. haha.. she said i was joking.. so yes, my mum did scold me after that for not barganing enough.. We visited yet another jade store, and the director once again was singaporean? i mean, when they heard we were from singapore they'd say their director's singaporean too, and they'll specially request him to lead us..That's so wierd.. Except this time, everyone didn't even bother to listen, just giving that bored look, because we felt they were bluffing us..Well after that it was just our own free time and yeah.. that was it, lol, just that our dinner was tooooo cheap.. i think all 8 of us cost only 8-9 singapore dollars for a really full meal.
China Horror Day 6:
How terribly exhausting, from the start we had to sit long bus rides from kunming to Dali from dali to lijiang, and now, from lijiang back to dali which took us 3 hours.. And once again, my butt called for help, i wish i can do something about it, it really worrys me, i'm afraid my butt will hurt as soon as i sit down in future..Yeah and we visited some silk factory.. And i had to beg my mum to buy a silk blanket but she wouldn't because she doesn't like it to be too cold when sleeping.. aw darn.. the silk's quality and feel is just.. like a cloud.. so smooth and soo.. you'll stick to it when you feel it it's just marvellous.. And yeah, my dad bought some silk shirt and when he was about to pay i asked my mom if i could get 2 silk boxers but when i ran to my dad he already paid and didn't want to pay anymore.. oh darn, for men, our downstairs are pretty hot, i hoped very much getting silk boxers would keep my downstairs cool.. but oh well..
Well yeah, to all Jay Chou fans, he did a live performance there, and all the people thought i'd watch, but i shocked them when i said i listened to oldies.. haha, oldies gain respect, and they do purposely learn stuff we teens do or listen to, like some of them go and make themselves listen to jay chou's songs to try to catch up with kids, but thank goodness i listen to oldies.. haha.
China horror day 7:
It was a really bad night, it was really hot and stuffy, back in kunming.. and i woke up in the middle of the night to watch HBO, we went to some temple, visited a park, where thousands of white gulls were calling me home.
And then again, we went to a place where they promoted bee products.. Oh my goodness, they're geniuses, they gave us a free foot massage to trap us from running away, then some professor attends to everyone of us to tell us where we have problems and asks us to buy this and that..
The Chinese are too much, everyday we visit a place offering some natural products that cure our daily pains, There're decades old puer tea leaves which everyone bought a whole bundle, Jade jewellery that improves blood circulation and this and that, There're bee honey powder that cures this and that..
With all these wonderful products with their ''wonderfull'' abilities to cure so many problems, you'd think the Chinese are immortal, can't we live life as it is.. The ancient people surely did not worry of their future. Like the Bible says do not worry for tomorrow, so why worry. Its definitely not nice to have to drink a cup of puer tea once before every meal and brew ourselves weird concoctions every night and try to ensure we evade the clutches of a terrible disease or illness but then, we do contract it later. If all these work so well we HAVE to be immortal! But yet death knocks on our doors when he wants to. And i see my parents falling victim to their fierce persuasion, we came light, we left so heavy.
In fact, after that, when we left, the professor told us not to drink too much puer tea which is bad for health. We all laughed. The previous day visiting a tea school, we had a whole afternoon's lecture on the GREAT effects of the puer tea which can cure slight diabetes, and improve this and that and the more we drink, the more we can avoid lots of things, really, it seemed like some miracle tea, and here they tell us not to drink too much.. hahahha, it was a big joke.. No wonder we're not immortal, they're all lying..
Oh Joy and Glee Day 8:
This day i had awaited since day 1 had finally arrived, we've been through a lot of stuff. I haven't stated i realised i have a bladder problem. After visiting the toilet, i actually visit it again and again with the time intervals lasting barely 10 mins. I remember embarrassingly how i had to pay this woman 3 times to enter the toilet within 20 minutes.. That was very embarrassing. But thankfully i didn't have that problem on the bus. The cold was great. But the bad thing was that there wasn't much shopping, i returned home pretty empty handed and my wallet still very much fat.
Yes and all you guys cannot imagine how excited i was. On the bus to the airport, i was squirming in my sit, i was restless, i can't wait to get back. And i was still squirming on the plane, and i didn't miss the takeoff this time.. Woohoo! Took my 8 painful days and i'm back finally!
And i was so touched.. haha.. when the guys from church came and welcomed me back, that's just a perfect trip.. haha..and yeah, wei hong was very jealous i didn't sms him while i did to everyone, but i really lost half of my phonebook contacts there.. haha.. which was why i couldn't wish sheryl happy birthday.
Just a pic.
Oh China, i hope we won't meet again so soon.
Today's short post:
I woke up early and got to church to help out a lot.. And kind kai en bought me a silver pendant to make up for my missing cross. If you guys didn't know i lost my cross while asleep and i've been wearing just a chain all these while till yay, he finally bought me one for my birthday present. I'm so touched.. haha. And it's a real pity i can't stay tonight for his farewell to the army. And yeah, i spent the day helping out for camp, moping the floor, which everyone somehow very amazing, scrubbing the floor, which everyone found very amusing.. And yes, tomorrow's camp.. wonderful camp. Goodbye people. i hope you guys are having as much fun as i am.