Woke up feeling so tired. because i stayed up late to watch lovers in prague.. lol, quite a new korean drama on channel 55. It isn't especially good, but hey! Korean dramas are korean dramas! haha.. My body is sooo broken.. lol, its after the exams, and i seem busier than when the exams are arriving.. In the morning, got to church.. and i started messaging people over the Dragon Kiln project. Mr yeo didn't really get me to do things, which worries me. I don't want to end up with nothing and all the blame goes to me. I want SVA Gold. Then there's the tau sar pia advertisment to worry about, knowing wei zhou, he'd probably not do much, and i'm afraid we'll end up not doing it, which is terrible, cause i want a gold too.. lol. Tuition.. sigh, jing yang pointed out that my teaching methods weren't fun enough, that i should make a story out of everything, i'm not a genius, lol, he can really make a story out of everything, and he's teaching math? lol. I just went back to my old habits, but hey, i'm a good teacher okay! That was about it, my stomach was just giving me loads of trouble, intermittent pains. Then sharing.. sigh, o'level blues.. haha, for my friends.. its really painful to see everyone so carefree and relaxed while they have to rush for time, its so sad.. but i guess when they explode, they'll do it with a bigger bang, we can just imagine how we'll explode after the o'levels, no sleep, no food, game game! Play play! But i really admire Vivian for skipping her higer chinese extra lessons for church, besides, it was her final and most important lesson and her higher chinese exams were tomorrow, she did struggle a bit but came to a decision to choose God over her studies, besides, He provides the results. Wow, that's an admirable thing to do, i myself am not sure if i'd do that.Thought it'd be a pretty normal day when i was called up for a meeting with some people.. i was wondering what kinda meeting it was gonna be. When i met the people, yan heng handed me a thick stack of papers, ''this is your script." lol, another act!! Lol, and its a really big one this time, he says its gonna be 45 mins long, which is really long for our usual short films. Lol, and everything was in chinese.. I have to be an extreme gamer, play pool, play x box, all day long.. lol, and they wanted to do some extreme makeover, they said my clothing wasn't enough, although i do look a little gangster with my pendant. Sat through the whole meeting which lasted like 2 hours, its gonna be a cool project.Sigh.. i've been acting and filming so much.. wonder when am i ever gonna get an oscar.. LOL.. went home with a headache.. lol, there really are a lot of things to have a headache over, i'm still working on the story for the Dragon Kiln.. it's killing me.Video on studying tips my pub com.. hilarious..